Who is The Best Orthopedic Surgeon in Thane, Mumbai?

Orthopedic Doctor in Thane Mumbai

Do you often experience bone issues? Like you, I eventually became tired of dealing with bone pain & underweight challenges. So decided to consult with Dr. Sameep Sohoni for advice, and I ended up being diagnosed with osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bones to become weak & brittle. Gladly, Dr. Sameep Sohoni helped me overcome this problem.

Dr. Sameep Sohoni – The Best Orthopedic Doctor in Thane

Dr. Sameep Sohoni is a highly skilled Orthopedic Doctor in Thane, known for his expertise in general orthopedics, trauma surgery, & joint replacement. He also specializes in robotic joint replacement surgery, fracture surgery, bone & joint disorders, sports injuries, & arthritis. He is attached to Kaushalya Medical Foundation Trust Hospital & Dr. Bhanushali Hospital in Thane. He has a strong interest in fragility fractures in the elderly, particularly hip fractures, & is involved in preventing & treating osteoporosis & its complications. He has conducted numerous camps & programs for screening & awareness about bone & joint health in Thane.

Here, I share how Dr. Sameep Sohoni helps me in managing & treating osteoporosis….

To Quickly Get Rid of All Your Bone Joint Problems

A Brief Introduction To Osteoporosis

Before I go into detail about my time with Dr. Sameep Sohoni, I think it’s important to explain what osteoporosis is & how it’s diagnosed. The word “osteoporosis” is derived from the Greek words “osteon,” meaning bone, & “porosis,” meaning porous (spongy bone). This condition causes bones to become weak & brittle, increasing the risk of fractures.

At its root, osteoporosis is an imbalance in the bone remodeling process, disrupting the dynamic balance between bone resorption by osteoclasts & bone creation by osteoblasts. This leads to a decrease in bone mineral density (BMD) & changes in bone microarchitecture.

The insidious onset of osteoporosis can be attributed to gonadal deficiency, decreased intake or absorption of essential nutrients like calcium & vitamin D, genetic predispositions, & a decline in physical activity. Types I (postmenopausal) & II (age-related) are the most common types.

Interdisciplinary Approach: Dr. Sameep Sohoni Recommendations:

I had trust in Dr. Sameep Sohoni’s commitment to comprehensive patient care because he recognized the need for a holistic overview of my health & referred me to specialists: a gynecologist evaluated my hormone levels & their potential impact on bone health, & an endocrinologist looked into possible underlying hormonal disorders that could contribute to osteoporosis.

Then, Dr. Sameep recommended a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan, an essential method for measuring bone mineral density (BMD) &, by comparing my T-score (a statistical comparison with peak bone mass in a young adult) & Z-score (a comparison to age-matched individuals), determining the extent of bone loss & the risk of fracture.

Individualised Treatment Plans

After my diagnosis, Dr. Sameep Sohoni, the best knee replacement doctor in Mumbai, created a plan specifically for me that took into account my age, general health, lifestyle, & even the advice of my gynecologist & endocrinologist. While calcium & vitamin D supplements are a part of the plan, the focus is also on weight-bearing physiotherapy recommended exercises to strengthen bone density.

Dr. Sameep put me in touch with a nutritionist to make sure I was eating well for my bones, & he also strongly suggested I cut down on my carbonated drink consumption & give up unhealthy habits, both of which may increase bone loss.

Additionally, due to the high risk of my case, Dr. Sameep prescribed me a novel class of medication, Denosumab injection, which inhibits RANKL (Receptor Activator of Nuclear factor Kappa-B Ligand), an essential mediator in osteoclast function, which consequently decreases bone resorption. 

Remember each case & severity is different. This course of treatment is based on my condition. Therefore, this information is for your education. Always consult Dr. Sameep, the best Osteoporosis Doctor in Mumbai, for a more effective, condition-specific treatment plan.

The emotional issues of osteoporosis were also addressed by Dr. Sameep’s complete healthcare strategy, which included support groups & the chance to interact with others on similar journeys, which created community & understanding.

Regular Follow-Ups

Osteoporosis is not a disease that can be “cured”. Instead, it is about effective treatment & regular follow-ups, which have become standard & include tests on bone mineral density (BMD), fracture risk assessment, & blood molecular measures of bone turnover.

Regular follow-up consultations with Dr. Sameep (knee replacement doctor in Thane) are essential to receiving improved treatment, as consistency is key. These visits allow me to ask inquiries, make adjustments, & feel confident that every aspect of my health is being addressed.

The Takeaway

Osteoporosis is a medical challenge that requires an informed & comprehensive strategy. My experience with Dr. Sameep Sohoni, a Knee Replacement Doctor in Thane, is an example of this, combining innovative medicine, ongoing education, & unwavering support. Overall, conditions like osteoporosis & other bone health issues demonstrate the significance of early recognizing, diagnosing, & maintaining treatment for chronic illnesses in an era of rapidly evolving medical technology.

To Quickly Get Rid of All Your Bone Joint Problems

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